Newsletter January 2019


Chatham County CERT will meet on January 23, 2019 at at 6:30 for our monthly meeting. As always, everyone is invited to attend.

This month our meeting is, by popular request, a presentation on what to do if one is near an active shooter event. The Chatham County Sheriff’s office is presenting Run-Hide-Fight, which is the current training response scenario.

This class is located at the Chatham County Detention Center, 628 Renaissance Drive, west of Pittsboro on Highway 64, north of the road. Park in the front lot and go to the front door. You can see a picture of the location at!AnkYPG_Iju6Wff36OuRYeE33RP0. Signs will be posted and escorts will be available. There is NO NEED to preregister for this months class.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Opinion Time – Not Official CERT information!

Every Day Carry items

Everyone should have a mental checklist of their Every-Day Carry (EDC) items – those things you always have in your pocket or purse when you leave the house. For me, I don’t walk out the front door without at least three things in my pockets: keychain, cell phone, and pocket knife. On my key ring is also a small flashlight. 

I have a friend who made me promise to always carry a flashlight. This friend was caught in the basement of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, as the burning building was beginning to collapse around him. No power, no emergency lighting, nothing but dark and smoke. One of his companions had a flashlight, and that is what they used to find their way out of the inferno. 

You can get a small flashlight that fits on your keyring. Do it now.

My grandfather told a story of how he was working in his hay barn and somehow got a rope caught around his foot. As a hay bale lowered, grandpa went up, hanging upside down. His small pocket knife, that he always carried, may have saved his life that day.

Your mileage may vary – but figure outwhat it is YOU need to always have with you when you leave home.

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Chatham CERT Twitter: @CertChatham
Chatham CERT Facebook: @ChathamCERT

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