CERT April 2019

Thanks to everyone who attended our April 24 CERT meeting. We had a great presentation on Wildfire in North Carolina, presented by Justin Query from the North Carolina Forestry Service. You can see his presentation here. Justin also provided a document on how to evaluate your own home’s risk for wildfire damage, and a handout on preparing your home for wildfires.

Many of our CERT members have expressed an interest in Search and Rescue. We are working with the Chatham County Emergency Management office and the Sheriff’s office to build a training program that inserts CERT members into good roles during a search. Some of you may be interested in admin support, others in logistical support, and still others (once trained) would work directly on search teams. Hold the date for an all-day training session on Search and Rescue planned for October 5, 2019 at Jordan Lake.

And BIG NEWS – Chatham CERT has received our 501(c)3 non-profit letter from the IRS! We can now accept donations and can apply for grants. More to follow. (Thanks, Maura!)